3) Right click it and choose Open File Location. You will be able to see the rundll32.exe programs running. $ErrorMessage = $Computer + ' Error: ' + $_.Exception. To better ensure that your PC is safe, here is what you can do: 1) Open Task Manager by right click the task bar and choose Task Manager. $Object += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $Properties | Select ComputerName, Username, Time, CallerComputer $EventID = Get-WinEvent -ComputerName $Computer -FilterHashtable = 'Security' ID = 4740 StartTime = (Get-Date).AddDays(-$DaysFromToday)} -EA 0ĬallerComputer = $ ] $ComputerName = (Get-ADDomainController -Filter * | select -ExpandProperty Name), So let’s assume in this example that you have DA privileges and we’ll move on. Figura 3: KRShowKeyMgr - Administrador de nombres de.
Para invocar esta ventana escribimos en una cmd o una ventana ejecutar: rundll32.exe keymgr.dll, KRShowKeyMgr. This script is intended to unmount what is mapped to Z. echo off net use Z: /delete /y >nul net stop LanmanWorkstation /y >nul net start LanmanWorkstation >nul timeout 1 >nul net use Z: pathtodirectory. Otherwise, you’re going to an access denied error. Otra forma de gestionar estas credenciales es travs del 'KRShowKeyMgr', se puede ver las credenciales almacenadas, borrarlas y agregar nuevas de forma grfica. map the drive again using different user credentials. I’ll start off by saying that in order to query any domain controller, you’re going to need Domain Admin rights.